Does your brand want to tap into the massive potential of gaming, esports, and the metaverse, but lack the know-how? We bridge the gap between traditional brands and these rapidly evolving platforms. Through comprehensive market research, strategic analysis, and tailored brand solutions, we empower you to enter these exciting spaces confidently. We'll guide you in understanding the unique culture, audience dynamics, and engagement tactics required to build lasting connections in this thriving digital ecosystem.


We offer comprehensive licensing solutions for both IP owners and game developers/publishers. For IP owners, we unlock the power of video games, connecting your intellectual property with engaged audiences through strategic licensing deals. For developers and publishers, we bridge the gap, securing the rights to iconic brands and characters to enhance your games and expand your reach. We navigate the complexities of licensing, ensuring both parties benefit from these powerful partnerships.

Interactive Experiences

The worlds of Roblox and Fortnite are thriving with passionate communities, offering an exciting playground for brands. We're experts in crafting engaging and immersive branded experiences, helping you conceptually develop, design, and deploy captivating content that resonates deeply. From custom in-game activities and virtual events to captivating storylines and interactive challenges, we unlock the full potential of these platforms. We help you forge authentic connections with gamers, drive brand awareness, build loyalty, and ultimately, achieve your marketing goals.


The gaming landscape is a powerful force, fostering passionate communities built on trust and shared experiences. We understand the intricacies of influencer marketing within this dynamic space and beyond. Whether you're a game developer seeking to build pre-launch hype or a non-gaming brand looking to enter the ever-evolving world of influencer marketing, we've got you covered. Our strategic and nuanced approach combines the power of meaningful connections with data-driven insights. We help you identify the most impactful creators, craft compelling campaigns, and measure success, ensuring your brand message reaches the right audience and fosters authentic connections that drive results.

